Whitelees Road, Littleborough, Lancashire, OL15 8DU

01706 378032

St Mary's Roman Catholic Primary

We love God, We love learning, We love each other...

Our School Mission - Pupil Voice 

Everyone at St Mary's knows the School Mission Statement

We love God ... so we follow the examples of Jesus.

We love learning ... so we always try our very best.

We love each other ... so we treat each other as we want to be treated.


We asked the children to reflect on how we live out our Mission every day.

Here are their responses.

We love God...so we follow the examples of Jesus

  • "We sing songs."
  • "We work as a team."
  • "We have a prayer corner and an altar. We can write our own prayers."
  • "I am kind like Jesus."
  • "We are like Jesus with our kind hands."
  • "We can read the Bible and show that we care about Jesus and God."
  • "We can be nice. We can follow in Jesus' footsteps by respecting people and helping people."
  • "We pray every day - it makes me feel better when I pray."
  • "We go to Church. We receive Holy Communion and we get God's blessing."
  • "We sing hymns and pray to God."
  • "We can help others in need as Jesus would do."
  • "We can go to Church and take part in Mass."
  • "We donate to Charity - foodbank, clothes, Macmillan coffee morning."
  • "Preach the Gospel to those we meet."
  • "We learn about scripture in our RE lessons."
  • "We learn about Jesus' life and relate it back to ours to be more like him."
  • "We talk to others respectfully as Jesus would do."

We love learning...so we always do our very best.

  • "I try my best all the time."
  • "I take time with my work so it is neat."
  • "I try to get 'Star of the day' and do my best work."
  • "We listen to the teacher and try our best."
  • "We try our very best."
  • "We have a good attitude."
  • "We love learning."
  • "By listening we get a lot of knowledge in our heads."
  • "We try our hardest in all we do."
  • "We love making learning fun by playing Maths Bingo and Prove it."
  • "We use Oreo biscuits to learn about the phases of the moon - its fun!."
  • "The teachers make out learning more creative by using the blow up planets, by putting PE and Maths together, by having an artist coming in and by running after school clubs."
  • "We never give up on our work."
  • "We persevere in all learning."
  • "We have a positive attitude to all our learning."

We love each other...so we treat each other how we want to be treated. 

  • "By being polite."
  • "By being nice."
  • "I take turns when I play."
  • "I say thank you."
  • "We can clap for each other in assembly."
  • "We show good manners."
  • "If someone is hurt or alone, you can ask if they are ok."
  • "We are kind, caring and helpful."
  • "Spread the love by being kind and nice to everyone, then everyone will be kind and nice back to you."
  • "We welcome all new students."
  • "If someone helps you, you can pay it back by helping someone else."
  • "We are kind and caring and we recognise other peoples feelings."
  • "If someone falls down we can help them up."
  • "We always include other on our team."
  • "We treat each other like a family."
  • "We don't judge."